


Students could only work in an agile environment through an internship, but COVID-19 canceled many of these opportunities. Without the formal structure of a company, it was difficult for CS students to work on a meaningful project.


Practicum is designed to introduce students to a community of teams that operate as startups. The projects are sourced from entrepreneurs that need help developing an MVP. Teams have mentors that guide the students through the program.


  • Developed a recruitment pipeline, which generated 300+ applications and 15+ clients in two weeks. Wrote out best practices for development.
  • Led a team of 8 partners to build the curriculum. The primary KPI was conversion rate between interview rounds, which averaged 88%.
  • Vetted potential clients to ensure quality, maintaining a 33% acceptance rate. Composed a feature list for each product for efficient onboarding.
Bulma jQuery Airtable Management
Project Covid

Project Covid


Information regarding COVID-19 was incredibly scattered, and more detailed sources are not user-friendly. There was no centralized, trustworthy location where a person can access information, statistics, and other resources quickly.


Project Covid is a mobile app that aggregates trustworthy information regarding the pandemic. The app includes statistics, latest news, educational toolkits, and local testing information and ensures all sources used by the team are easily accessible.


  • Wrote 50+ user stories and prioritized which features the team should pursue. Met with stakeholders and users to understand the use cases.
  • Managed a team of 12 engineers by assigning work and resolving roadblocks. Designed and coded a majority of the app's back-end server.
  • Oversaw launch of the app on TestFlight. Overhauled the home screen based on feedback from 80+ beta testers.
React Native Express Heroku Product Management
Runaway App

Runaway App


Current solutions that aid people who struggle with their mental health have not adapted to the information age. Younger individuals struggle to find resources that they feel are useful, leading to high depression rates amongst the world’s youth.


Runaway is a mobile app that provides mental health resources. The primary feature is an anonymous chat with a trained volunteer, which is less personal than a phone call. The app also aggregates positive news and blog posts to help cheer people up.


  • Created a development roadmap to lead an engineering team of 10, ensuring delivery of MVP after 2 months.
  • Defined product requirements and advised with designers during prototyping multiple features.
  • Lead weekly "stand-up" meetings, prioritizing open communication and collaboration to avoid any potential blockers.
Product Roadmap Backlog Grooming Team Management Trello
Reddit Scraping Bot



The early stages of my organization’s recruitment cycle were very reliant on qualitative observations about potential candidates. With a large number of students to consider, there was no quantitative measure of fit for the organization.


RedditSense is a Python bot that scrapes comment and upvote data from a private subreddit. It assigns a numeric sentiment to all comments and then calculates the traction a candidate has within the organization.


  • Utilized Reddit Praw Python API to parse 1200+ comments using Regex. Analyzed keywords to determine the sentiment of feedback.
  • Programmed bot to evaluate metrics such as upvotes, comment sentiment, and engagement to calculate an excitement score for a candidate.
  • Populated a Google Sheets workbook automatically so the recruitment team could track the statistics generated in real-time.
Python PRAW API Google API Data Science
Spikeball Group Finder



At WashU, there is a large community, especially first year students, that love to play the game Spikeball. There was no centralized system for people to find a group, which hurt those who are interested in branching out and meeting new people on campus.


SpikeFinder is a platform that assists passionate Spikeball players in finding available opponents. The product brings people together by allowing them to post their availability and group size which encourages others to join the playing session.


  • Developed frontend in React to ensure quick load times. Implemented React Hooks to increase scalability throughout the codebase.
  • Built backend Node.js REST API with Express, generating authentication tokens to guard user data through OAuth.
  • Stored data in MongoDB NoSQL database and utilizing Mongoose to fetch data using SQL-queries.
React Node.js Express MongoDB
Opportunity Hunter

Opportunity Hunter


The Data Forensics team primarily worked with clients sourced by upper management. However, there was a large market of public sector data opportunities that the firm wasn’t taping into, and the team was interested accessing this potential revenue stream.


Opportunity Hunter is a Python tool that automatically scrapes RFP’s (Request For Proposal) regarding data forensics posted by local and national governments. This information is then analyzed and presented to the team in a formal daily report.


  • Scraped information from sites using Python libraries BeautifulSoup and Selenium to parse website’s source code, as well as API requests.
  • Wrote SQL queries to clean and store gathered data in an MS SQL Server database. Evaluated information to determine relevance to the team.
  • Built Pandas DataFrames to export data to an Excel spreadsheet to provide 20,000+ potential business opportunities in an emailed report.
Python MS SQL Selenium Beautiful Soup

I love to meet new people, feel free to reach out!

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